in a weak moment i gimped some buttons together you can use on your website to indicate (whatever) relation to fluxbox. since i made a couple of them i gave them an independent site, maybe i ll do some more. gimme some feedback about it please :)
ah, almost forgot, this is how they look like:
i mirrored the buttons to and feel free to grab the buttons to your server instead of linking to or
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my babe was going out with her friend to a pub nearby where she met .. my buddy micha, who is my personal, favourite goldsmith of choice :) we served together in the army at the same time and we basicly first “met” when he injured himself while trying to play basketball .. hehe. he just started to make stuff for climbers .. his favourite hobby. he took me once with him on a “trainee-rock” once and it was pretty funny but also pretty hard…
anyway, if you want to see what he creates, then go to the site is in german but he was working in australia for a year and understands you if you drop him a mail :)
couple of days ago i watched a video on viva ... and to my own surprise i saw and (much more important) listened something i really liked: disengage. i did a little search in the net and grabbed some quicktime movies from their page, pretty good stuff, some songs remind me a bit of my beloved tool, but they are nevertheless pretty neat, today i visited my favourite recordstore in town (hotrats hooray) and bought the record … yeah, i am one of those who actually really pay for the music they really like. :)
so, if you like kind of heavy stuff, try out disengage.
i “stole” the digicam of my roommate mm and tried to get the painting in my room into my pc. the result is pretty nice :) it was painted by mary jane peters, the mother of a friend. my gf has another fine painting of her, i ll try to get it online asap.
i managed to take a picture from the painting of mjp, its the orange/red one in all its glory and beautiness.
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i finally made it and added some of the old articles i wrote once. they cover several pretty different areas of problems, but see for yourself
furthermore there is a new link in the navbar called files which directly leads to .. well .. the files? :) the files were there before the whole cms was working. there you find a lot of stuff not mentioned here as well as the tarballs for the projects and other stuff.
i updated textpattern to the most recent version (1.0rc3), till now it works pretty good. if you experience any strange things, tell me.
after 6 long years one of my favourite bands is going to release a new album: nine inch nails. some day last week they made the first single public: the hand that feeds , pretty nice song and i am quite excited about how the whole album will sound like. couple of weeks ago i already ordered tickets for the nin-show in one of my favourite clubs ever: the columbiahall in berlin, shows will take place on june 15th and i know for sure one person who would like to see it but its just too far away where he comes from :)
anyway, to my surprise i recognized one familiar (well, ok i recognized trent too, but thats obvious) face among the band playing in the video for the new single: jordie white, aka twiggy ramirez when playing with/for marilyn manson ... jordie played also the bass in another fav-band of me: a perfect circle :) those musicians seem just to be a big circus and keep on rotating so everyone stays happy but within the business :))
ah, and of coz another well known character has his fingers (again) on the controls (except trent): rick rubin, i really ask myself when this man ever will stop producing good music. maybe it isnt even possible for him to do this.
2005 seems to be a good year for music, even the lineup for the festivals seem to satisfy my and anja’s taste this year.
so rock on, akira aka mathias
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my roommate matthias (notice the two ‘t’) uses linux now for a while (surprise surprise). after using kde for some time he changed to fluxbox (surprise2) and discovered the joy of gdesklets. but he was a bit unhappy to see the cpuload rise, caused by gdesklets and the starterbar he used. so i suggested tablaunch to him .. which worked out pretty well. i knew dung lam (the man behind tablaunch) because he took over the support for fluxbox-generate_menu, a little script that helps to build fluxbox-menus. i contributed the scons-buildsystem for tablaunch and surfed the former site to grab it for my roommate.
well, to make it short, since on the old “site” was a “whoever wants to gimme a new site feel free” i felt free and gave dung a simple, clean page … which is now and which also makes me the web-guy for that project .. sigh
or “how we slithered to berlin and back”. as i wrote already some friends of mine and i went to berlin to see mars volta live and on stage. the “good” weather started just some hours before we want to hit the road .. snow and a bit ice on the autobahn. after 2 hours we took the wrong (as always btw, its becoming a running gag now) exit but finally made it to the place where were playing.
we ran into a funny situation with another cardriver who wanted to use “his” parkingpocket .. hehe .. funny guy with funny way of thinking whats “his”.
anyway, we arrived just in time, ordered a beer and almost instantly mv entered the stage. no greetings or something like that .. just pure, brutal drumming + insane sounds of the guitar :) after 25 minutes or so they stopped for .. well, the singer needed water and the rest of the band just tuned the instruments for a moment. after that, only music, only minibreaks .. if you want to call the slow passages “breaks”. i felt like experiencing kind of psychedelic rock-opera, we were really busy to follow the music. i recognized some of the songs from their great first album and a few of their current recording, the rest was just music i didnt know :)
after 2 hours and 15 minutes or so, they left the stage with a little smile and a shy greeting to the crowd. it was a pretty good concert though completly different from what i or the others have experienced so far (“are you experienced?” :))
on the way back we missed the first restaurant with the golden m and thus we needed to stop at a fuelstation to satisfy our hunger. after that we hit the road again and drove slowly on the right side. to my surprise not everyone was so careful with this kind of weathercondition on the street (it was really slick) ... a lot of the trucks passed us on the left side and speeded up their way to .. yeah, to wherever. and we weren’t really surprised to hear that some .. well .. mostly trucks were involved in the accidents ahead of us which lead to a complete barrier of the autobahn .. nice. so we had to leave the autobahn and visit some villages in the night :)
we arrived at my home around 3 o’clock in the morning, pretty tired and my friends had to drive another 30 minutes yet to actually get home.
but after all it was a really good concert and a funny time.
the joy of newsletters … among thousands of spams i receive every day actually one good mail was delivered: i got the newsletter from . those of you who are know me a bit better know, that this is one of my favourite bands. my first experience with nine inch nails was on a festival back in 1997, the hurricane. i was really impressed by their performance back those days and never saw them life again… gosh 6 years ago … well, till this year as it seems. as the newsletter is telling all subscribers, nin will play at my beloved columbia and at the hurricane a week later .. and i think i ll go to both events :) ha, what a nice summer this will be, after all this boring lineups in the last years :)
btw, on tuesday i ll watch mars volta in berlin and i am really interested in how they ll sound like when playing live.
cheers, mathias
its not surprising (maybe to m$) but the number of infected system i have to clean from viruses and other crap (“i wanne dial home …”) are increasing.
so, obviously its one of the brightest ideas to start from a clean and for sure not infected system .. hey, lets use a linux-livedisc with a virusscanner onboard. and as it happens, i found one of this nice and little helpers that makes the life so much easier:
and while this cool distro runs .. well .. fluxbox, my beloved piece of software, and removes the f*cking bastards called viruses from the infected systems i surfed the net (what else to do when waiting to clean several gigs?) .. and thats why i found “the ultimate boot cd” ...
and this neat piece of a distribution just pure rox. it contains “insert – linux” (which is really great) PLUS several other cool stuff, from bootdiscs for freedos or linux, memcheckers, flashutils and what not. really great.
get it at
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