after 6 long years one of my favourite bands is going to release a new album: nine inch nails. some day last week they made the first single public: the hand that feeds , pretty nice song and i am quite excited about how the whole album will sound like. couple of weeks ago i already ordered tickets for the nin-show in one of my favourite clubs ever: the columbiahall in berlin, shows will take place on june 15th and i know for sure one person who would like to see it but its just too far away where he comes from :)
anyway, to my surprise i recognized one familiar (well, ok i recognized trent too, but thats obvious) face among the band playing in the video for the new single: jordie white, aka twiggy ramirez when playing with/for marilyn manson ... jordie played also the bass in another fav-band of me: a perfect circle :) those musicians seem just to be a big circus and keep on rotating so everyone stays happy but within the business :))
ah, and of coz another well known character has his fingers (again) on the controls (except trent): rick rubin, i really ask myself when this man ever will stop producing good music. maybe it isnt even possible for him to do this.
2005 seems to be a good year for music, even the lineup for the festivals seem to satisfy my and anja’s taste this year.
so rock on, akira aka mathias is powered by textpattern, all content is © by m.gumz 2001 - 2018 | rss |