fluxgen (who is the lead-dev of fluxbox) and i discussed subversion (a nice version control system) for some time now. he even uses it for fbpager, a little sideproject of him. since sourceforge.net, which hosts the code and the webstuff of fluxbox for some time now, is becoming slower and slower and some features of subversion are just nice (versioned renaming of files, directories etc) we finally opened a project on berlios.de and transfered the cvs-repository to that place … yeah. surf it here:
and since we are now using subversion i renamed ak-fluxbox-cvs, my tiny personal ebuild for the gentoo-distribution) to ak-fluxbox-svn. thats the way of keeping in sync with the develop-process of fluxbox and dont f**k around with the packagemanger. the ebuild is available at
as always, just unpack it into your overlay-directory/x11-wm/
cheers and happy fluxboxing.
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