#!/bin/sh # fluxbox startup-script: # # repeat rate xset r rate 195 35 xset +fp /home/mathias/.fonts # loads some nifty modmap :) atm it disables the CapsLock xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap # hides the mousepointer when inactive unclutter -idle 2 -jitter 10 -root & # keeps the different cut-buffers in sync autocutsel & logfile=~/.fluxbox/log`echo $DISPLAY | tr '[.:]' '_'` ( [ -f ${logfile} ] && root-tail -f -g 800x200+10-10 -font "-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-12-*" \ ${logfile},blue \ /var/log/emerge.log,magenta \ /var/log/everything/current,blue \ /var/log/critical/current,red ) & # connection to mpd export MPD_HOST=localhost export MPD_PORT=6600 exec /usr/bin/fluxbox & fbpid=$! sleep 1 { # oclock & xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr -fg white -bg black & urxvtd & [ -f ~/.fluxbox/startup.dockapps ] && sh ~/.fluxbox/startup.dockapps & } & wait $fbpid pkill -TERM xmms pkill -TERM torsmo # vim:ft=sh