1  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2  !
  3  ! file   : $HOME/.fluxbox/keys
  4  ! about  : fluxbox key bindings
  5  ! author : mathias gumz <akira at fluxbox dot org>
  6  !          ( ak|ra or akira )
  7  !
  8  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9  !
 10  !  hints:
 11  !
 12  !  o syntax of the fluxbox-keys-file:
 13  !
 14  !       <mod> [<mod> <mod>] key [key key] :command <commanoptions>
 15  !
 16  !    so, what is a <mod> ? its called "modifier" and you can use
 17  !    'xmodmap -pm' to see, what modifiers are available. if you 
 18  !    dont want to press any "modifier" then use 'None'
 19  !
 20  !  o what are those $XTERM, $EDITOR entries?
 21  !
 22  !    if you set a variable like XTERM to a sane value like
 23  !    "xterm" before fluxbox comes up, fluxbox would use that
 24  !    variable in the :ExecCommand. one can use the :Export or 
 25  !    :Setenv command to change that variable on the fly... eg to
 26  !    "urxvt" or "aterm".
 27  !
 28  !  o you can find a valid syntaxfile for vim here:
 29  !
 30  !       http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=882
 31  !       http://darkshed.net/files/vim/syntax/fluxkeys.vim
 32  !
 33  !    if you like it, rate it. (if not too :))
 34  !
 35  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 37  Control Mod4 Delete       :Reconfigure
 38  Control Mod4 Shift Delete :Restart
 40  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 41  !
 42  !  menus
 43  !
 44  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 45  None Menu                 :RootMenu
 46  Control Menu              :WorkspaceMenu
 47  Control Mod4 Menu         :WindowMenu
 49  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 50  !
 51  !  frame - handling
 52  !
 53  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 54  Mod4 Left                 :PrevTab
 55  Mod4 Right                :NextTab
 56  Shift Mod4 d              :DetachClient
 57  Shift Mod4 Left           :MoveTabLeft
 58  Shift Mod4 Right          :MoveTabRight
 60  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 61  !
 62  !  window - handling
 63  !
 64  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 65  Mod4 s                    :Stick
 66  Mod4 q                    :Minimize
 67  Shift Mod4 q              :Deiconify LastWorkspace
 68  Control Shift Mod4 q      :Deiconify Last OriginQuiet
 69  Control Shift Mod1 Mod4 q :Deiconify All OriginQuiet
 70  Mod1 Control q            :Close
 71  Mod4 d                    :ToggleDecor
 72  Mod4 f                    :Shade
 74  Mod1 Up                   :RaiseLayer
 75  Mod1 Down                 :LowerLayer
 77  Control Mod4 1            :SetHead 1
 78  Control Mod4 2            :SetHead 2
 80  ! 1 - cycle groups
 81  ! 2 - skip stuck
 82  ! 4 - skip shaded
 83  ! 8 - cycle linear
 84  ! 0 - cycle default
 86  Mod1 Tab                  :NextWindow 1
 87  Mod1 Shift Tab            :PrevWindow 1
 89  Shift Mod1 Mod4 Up        :FocusUp
 90  Shift Mod1 Mod4 Down      :FocusDown
 91  Shift Mod1 Mod4 Left      :FocusLeft
 92  Shift Mod1 Mod4 Right     :FocusRight
 94  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 95  !
 96  ! accessibility + mousehandling
 97  !
 98  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
100  Control Mod1 a            :ExecCommand accessx
101  Control Mod1 Mod4 m       :ExecCommand ax +mousekeys
102  Control Mod1 m            :ExecCommand ax -mousekeys
104  Control Mod4 KP_Home      :ExecCommand xwit -rwarp  -50 -50
105  Control Mod4 KP_Up        :ExecCommand xwit -rwarp    0 -50
106  Control Mod4 KP_Prior     :ExecCommand xwit -rwarp   50 -50
107  Control Mod4 KP_Left      :ExecCommand xwit -rwarp  -50   0
108  Control Mod4 KP_Right     :ExecCommand xwit -rwarp   50   0
109  Control Mod4 KP_End       :ExecCommand xwit -rwarp  -50  50
110  Control Mod4 KP_Down      :ExecCommand xwit -rwarp    0  50
111  Control Mod4 KP_Next      :ExecCommand xwit -rwarp   50  50
115  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
116  !
117  !  workspace - handling
118  !
119  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
120  !Control Mod4 Right        :RightWorkspace
121  !Control Mod4 Left         :LeftWorkspace
122  Control Mod4 Right        :NextWorkspace 
123  Control Mod4 Left         :PrevWorkspace 
124  Control Mod4 Down         :RightWorkspace 3
125  Control Mod4 Up           :LeftWorkspace 3
127  Mod4 KP_Home              :Workspace 1
128  Mod4 KP_Up                :Workspace 2
129  Mod4 KP_Prior             :Workspace 3
130  Mod4 KP_Left              :Workspace 4
131  Mod4 KP_Begin             :Workspace 5
132  Mod4 KP_Right             :Workspace 6
133  Mod4 KP_End               :Workspace 7
134  Mod4 KP_Down              :Workspace 8
135  Mod4 KP_Next              :Workspace 9
136  Mod4 KP_0                 :ExecCommand fbcmd_osd.sh print ws_name
138  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
139  !
140  ! resize / movement of window
141  !
142  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
143  Control Mod1 Right        :MoveRight 10
144  Control Mod1 Left         :MoveLeft 10
145  Control Mod1 Up           :MoveUp 10
146  Control Mod1 Down         :MoveDown 10
148  Control Mod1 KP_Home      :Move -50 -50
149  Control Mod1 KP_Up        :Move   0 -50
150  Control Mod1 KP_Prior     :Move  50 -50
151  Control Mod1 KP_Left      :Move -50   0
152  Control Mod1 KP_Right     :Move  50   0
153  Control Mod1 KP_End       :Move -50  50
154  Control Mod1 KP_Down      :Move   0  50
155  Control Mod1 KP_Next      :Move  50  50
157  Mod4 Mod1 KP_Home         :Resize -10 -10
158  Mod4 Mod1 KP_Up           :Resize   0 -10
159  Mod4 Mod1 KP_Prior        :Resize  10 -10
160  Mod4 Mod1 KP_Left         :Resize -10   0
161  Mod4 Mod1 KP_Right        :Resize  10   0
162  Mod4 Mod1 KP_End          :Resize -10  10
163  Mod4 Mod1 KP_Down         :Resize   0  10
164  Mod4 Mod1 KP_Next         :Resize  10  10
166  Mod4 Mod1 Left            :Resize -1    0
167  Mod4 Mod1 Right           :Resize  1    0
168  Mod4 Mod1 Up              :Resize  0   -1
169  Mod4 Mod1 Down            :Resize  0    1
171  Shift Mod1 Left           :MoveTo 0 * Left
172  Shift Mod1 Right          :MoveTo 0 * Right
173  Shift Mod1 Up             :MoveTo * 0 Upper
174  Shift Mod1 Down           :MoveTo * 0 Lower
176  Shift Mod1 KP_Home        :MoveTo 0 0 UpperLeft
177  Shift Mod1 KP_Up          :MoveTo * 0 Upper
178  Shift Mod1 KP_Prior       :MoveTo 0 0 UpperRight
179  Shift Mod1 KP_Left        :MoveTo 0 * Left
180  Shift Mod1 KP_Right       :MoveTo 0 * Right
181  Shift Mod1 KP_End         :MoveTo 0 0 LowerLeft
182  Shift Mod1 KP_Down        :MoveTo * 0 Lower
183  Shift Mod1 KP_Next        :MoveTo 0 0 LowerRight
185  Mod1 Return               :MaximizeWindow
186  Shift Mod4 s              :MaximizeVertical
187  Control Mod1 s            :MaximizeHorizontal
188  Control Mod4 f            :Fullscreen
189  Control Mod4 p            :TakeToNextWorkspace 1
190  Control Mod4 o            :TakeToPrevWorkspace 1
191  Control Mod1 p            :SendToNextWorkspace 1
192  Control Mod1 o            :SendToPrevWorkspace 1
195  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
196  !
197  ! execute commands
198  !
199  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
201  Control Mod4 KP_Enter     :ExecCommand xcalc
202  Control Mod4 a            :ExecCommand $XTERM
203  Control Mod1 1            :ExecCommand urxvt-rc
204  Control Mod4 c            :ExecCommand $XCALC
205  Control Mod4 d            :ExecCommand date | osd_cat -c white -f -*-lucida-medium-r-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -o 20 -p top -A center
206  Control Mod4 e            :ExecCommand licqsh -o
207  Control Mod4 l            :ExecCommand alock -bg blank -auth sha1:hash=8843d7f92416211de9ebb963ff4ce28125932878
208  Control Mod4 m            :ExecCommand quax
209  Control Mod4 q            :ExecCommand $BROWSER
210  Control Mod4 x            :ExecCommand fbrun -nearmouse -font Matto -w 500 -h 50
211  Control Shift b           :ExecCommand fbrun -nearmouse -font Matto -title "enter url..." -text "$BROWSER http://www." -w 500 -h 50 -hf ~/.fluxbox/browse_history
212  !Mod4 colon                :CommandDialog
213  Control Mod4 y            :ExecCommand $XTERM -name mutt -title "mutt : mails" -e mutt
214  Control Mod4 s            :ExecCommand $XTERM -name abook -T "addresses" -e abook
215  Control Shift Mod4 c      :ExecCommand xcalendar
216  Control Shift Mod4 e      :ExecCommand env | sort | xmessage -file -
217  Mod4 Mod1 d               :ExecCommand ding
218  Mod4 c                    :ExecCommand xclipboard
219  Mod4 g                    :ExecCommand gentoo
220  Mod4 e                    :ExecCommand $EDITOR
221  Mod4 n                    :ExecCommand $EDITOR $HOME/.notes
222  Mod4 t                    :ExecCommand $EDITOR $HOME/.todo/
223  Mod4 x                    :ExecCommand xmag
224  Mod1 Mod4 x               :ExecCommand wmagnify
226  !
227  ! soundkungfoo - volume control
228  !
230  ! sound stuff, basicly control the volume via amixer (alsa)
231  Mod4 m                    :ExecCommand amixer -a sset Master,0 toggle 2&>1 > /dev/null
232  Mod4 Shift a              :ExecCommand aprofile_ctl.sh -m set_volume 5%+
233  Mod4 Shift y              :ExecCommand aprofile_ctl.sh -m set_volume 5%-
234  Control Shift Mod4 a      :ExecCommand $XTERM -name alsamixer -e alsamixer
235  Control Shift Mod1 Mod4 a :ExecCommand alsamixergui
237  ! switch between normal / headphone settings
238  Control Mod4 n            :ExecCommand aprofile_ctl.sh -m switch -p normal
239  Control Mod4 h            :ExecCommand aprofile_ctl.sh -m switch -p headphones
241  !
242  ! skip bad songs quickly :)
243  Mod4 Tab                  :ExecCommand MPD_HOST=localhost MPD_PORT=6600 mpc next &> /dev/null
244  Control Mod4 Tab          :ExecCommand MPD_HOST=localhost MPD_PORT=6600 mpc prev &> /dev/null
245  Mod4 1                    :ExecCommand MPD_HOST=localhost MPD_PORT=6600 mpc toggle &> /dev/null
246  Mod1 Shift a              :ExecCommand MPD_HOST=localhost MPD_PORT=6600 mpc volume +10 &> /dev/null
247  Mod1 Shift y              :ExecCommand MPD_HOST=localhost MPD_PORT=6600 mpc volume -10 &> /dev/null
249  ! screenshots
250  ! xmodmap -pke | grep -i print => xmodmap -e "keycode 111 = F13"
251  ! => i press "Print" and it dumps the screen :)
252  None F13                  :ExecCommand sleep 1 && scrot -s -q 75 'shot-%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S-$w-$h.jpg'
254  !
255  ! dvd / cdcontrol stuff
256  !
258  Mod4 plus                 :ExecCommand cdctrl speed 32 /dev/dvd
259  Mod4 minus                :ExecCommand cdctrl speed 4 /dev/dvd
260  Control Mod4 plus         :ExecCommand cdctrl close /dev/dvd
261  Control Mod4 minus        :ExecCommand cdctrl open /dev/dvd
263  Shift Mod4 plus           :ExecCommand cdctrl speed 32 /dev/cdrom
264  Shift Mod4 minus          :ExecCommand cdctrl speed 4 /dev/cdrom
265  Control Shift Mod4 plus   :ExecCommand cdctrl close /dev/cdrom
266  Control Shift Mod4 minus  :ExecCommand cdctrl open /dev/cdrom
269  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
270  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
271  !
272  ! below this line only experimental stuff is listed. its not supposed to WORK
273  !
274  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
275  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
276  !
277  !Shift Mod4 p :FocusTo (xterm)
278  !Shift Mod4 o :DumpTheme
280  !Mod4 p m                  :Place max_space allow_smaller
281  !Mod4 p v                  :Place expand_vertical allow_smaller
282  !Mod4 p V                  :Place max_vertical_space allow_smaller
283  !Mod4 p h                  :Place expand_horizontal allow_smaller
284  !Mod4 p H                  :Place max_horizontal_space allow_smaller
285  !Mod4 p g                  :Place draw_grid
287  Control Mod4 colon :FocusCommandTool
289  Mod1 x p :ExecCommand urxvt -tint red
291  ! attention: the next command is just to show that syntax-hl in vim works
292  Control Mod1 Mod4 x :MacroCmd {Exec xterm} {Move 10 10} {Exec bla} {Move 10 10}
294  !Mod1 t v :TileVertical 3
295  !Mod1 t s :TileHorizontal 3
296  Mod1 t w :ArrangeWindows
299  Mod4 Mod1 p            :CycleDecor
301  ! vim:ft=fluxkeys